Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's day

Happy Mother's day to all moms out there!!! And especially to my fantastically awesome and crazy gifted Mother <3

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nagoya, Japan!

I've been called to serve in Nagoya, Japan! The one place in the world I absolutely wanted to go, but thought I wouldn't get to XD this is so amazingly awesome that I am totally freaking out hahah. God definitely answered my prayers :D


Checked the mail once this morning, nothing... Checked again a half hour later and... IT;S Here!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Can't open it just yet, but when I do I'll be posting it on here and on facebook!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Untested Waters

Well this is certainly unusual... I have a blog and this is my first time on it... And yet I somehow have posted things O.o hahahah Me likey :P so I'm going to take a stab at where I'll go, I'm thinkiiiinngg........ Russia :D

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vote for where you think Brandon will be sent...?

All right.

Since the suspense is killing me, and don't yet know where Brandon is going, I was wondering where YOU think he will end up going to.

Brandon originally had hoped he could go to Japan, but since missionaries just got sent home because of the devastation there, it probably won't happen.  He mentioned maybe South Korea instead.

David says he's going to Moscow, Russia, but if he gets sent to South Dakota, Brandon has to bring back a dinosaur tooth.

Brittany says he's going to the people of...Samoa, Tonga, or New York. (David says she can't pick a hemisphere).  She just narrowed it down to Samoa.

I think...I don't know what to think.  I am thinking. Hmmm.  Alaska, to the Inuit population.

So.  What do you think?

In the Beginning...

...there was a boy named Brandon who became a man waiting for his mission call.  Another waits as well for word any day--Jimmy Marshall.  Who will get their call first?  Will they be sent to similar areas, or will they be stationed on the other side of the planet?  Will they be in English-speaking areas or not?  Will it be tropical or temperate?  Questions, questions...

My first blog.

The Mom