Ohaiyou Gozaimasu Mina San ^_^
Today, is obviously my P day. However! Today was my Last Normal P day for a while.
We got our Travel plans Yesterday, and this next Friday is our in-field-training thingy, so I don't really know how that day is going to play out. I don't exactly know when I will be able to call yet, but I do know that it will be on the 26 for sure, I'll be flying from Utah to Detroit, then from Detroit to Nagoya Japan, and I will arrive on the 27th of September (it's a looonng Two Flights XD ) (that and there are time differences that I don't feel like computing :P) but suffice it to say, The 26th is going to be a great day ^_^
I'll be Waking up at 5:00Am to go to the Travel office, whereas those going to Tokyo (Half of my District) will be leaving the MTC at 10:00Am. It's supah Crazeh (super crazy).
This Week has been great so far, I got myself another New Companion, an Elder Lee, He's Korean, He speaks Korean, he Speaks English, and he took 4 years of Japanese in School, so he has a bit more experience with the language than most of us in the room. Along with my new companion, we also got two other additions to our class, an Elder Clark, and an Elder Hodson. (it's kinda confusing, we now have 2 Elder Clarks XD and both of their first names start with a T XD )
They are cool, but they keep to themselves mostly, so it kinda gets quiet when they are around. That and they are hardly ever in class... But anywho, life has now turned into a perpetual state of consistant exhaustion -- I'm Tired ALL the time -- it's crazyyyyy. Taking a nap sounds heavenly, but I refuse to do it lol, there's too much to do and too much to learn to go to bed.
We are all super stoked about getting the Travel plans, because it means we are ACTUALLY Getting out of the MTC!!! Don't get me wrong, it's great here, but I am more excited about Japan than being here :P
So, I heard from Daddy-o that you guys had a MAJOR blackout caused by some random electric guy who accidentally flipped a switch and shut down a large area :O That's intense! I'm glad you were more prepared than most, because that would have been really tough.
Instead of it being Super hot (which it had been for the first month I was here) it has started to get a bit colder, and now we are having to wear Jackets every now and then XD I wish I could give you some of teh Cold!! XD Gomennasai <(^_^<) <Gambate Kudasai)
My companion, Elder Lee is cool in another way, He Loves Kanji Just like I do! and Learning Kanji is reall important to becoming fluent in Japanese, because if you can understand the Kanji that make up a word, you can understand all the different meanings hidden in the words themselves :D it's quite exciting ^_^
Oh! Dad, if there's a chance, could you send me a new watch please, my old one died on me out here, and I have been having to rely on others to tell me the time, it's annoying... Also, Thank you mom for the 11 Dear Elders XD I got them all Yesterday, it was crazy
The only thing I am having trouble with is figuring out what order to put them in (because when the print out the Dear Elder letters, it's just one huge letter, that continues into the next letter ) (which is why I got 11 letters, they had to split it up, and now I don't know which one's which XD ) but from what I have read, it sounds like you've gotten really far on the Play/Story that you are doing. That's really awesome :D Good Job Momma! (P.S. Haha = Mom in Japanese) How about the Candyman Clown? Did you send out pictures to a publisher or anything yet? I hope so, cuz I wanna see it get publisheddddd
I'm glad you all had fun at Omar and Chrissy's Wedding :D That's so cool that they got married! And that's so cool that Jesse's whole family was together for the first time in a long while, that must have been great to see. So Congrats Omar!
Oh, and Dad, I'll be running slow when I get home, I don't run often, so when I do I try to enjoy being outside XD I'm not entirely sure where my New Address is just yet, but when I do find out, I will for sure let you know so that you can send stuffles ^_^ I also have to figure out how the whole International postage stamps work...
Life here at the MTC is the Usual, tons of study, not enough sleep, and weird foods XD its funny. I have Ten days left here! Just a little bit longer and I'm in Japan Guys! How cool is that?? Cool right? Ne? Ne? hahah.
My companion and I like to go study in the Nihonjin Room (The Native Japanese people that came to the MTC a couple weeks ago) and we are actually able to hold conversation with them -- It's super cool, and it totally boosts my confidence in the Language.
So tell me more guys! How are you feeling? Are you Staying Genki? (Happy/Healthy) Yooo Better bee, cuz cuz cuz -- Yeah
I hope you know that I am thinking of you all, even if you only hear from me once a week! I love you all,
Herunandezu Chourou.
P.S. I love you I win!
P.S.S. it's Saturday the 17th at 3:13 in Japan right now XD
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