Konnichiwaaaaaa :D I finished watching Conference Yesterday. For me it's Monday and it's only 3:10pm whereas for you it's 11pm on Sunday. weird right? I live in the futureeee hahaha.
I'm so glad to hear that you got to see everyone last week (note: last Sunday all our kids came to visit us, so Brandon is commenting on that)!! I hope Scott gets better fast.
Happpppy Almost Birthday Dad!! AHHHHHH I just realized I will be missing two of your birthdays >_> that's really saddening. Blah Oh well ^_^ Oh, and I'm so proud of Brittany on her weight loss and toning! glad to hear she is back to looking like she did in High School! Way to go Brittle! :D
Japan is one of my favorite places still! The place I am kinda reminds me of New York though - it's weird that way.
We have a couple of people that we teach, but it's not everyday that we get to teach them. mostly we go out to eat with them, talk for a while and then have to leave. we get rejected often, but never by our investigators, like we haven't had any of our investigators reject us yet, but going door to door in the assigned area, we get Kekko'd often (Kekko means We're okay and don't want to talk to you, what they do is Cross their arms and say Kekko desu, and you have to leave them be).
This week we had a great week, we had two of our investigators come to General Conference (one of them is a family, the Mom, Jeana; the Dad, Cezar; and the 5 year old girl, Jennifer, and they all speak Spanish and Portuguese). The other investigator is a Japanese Girl named Yukina. We've been teaching them and talking to them all a lot recently, so we are hoping that they'll be able to commit to hearing more and more, and eventually getting baptized. They are awesome people, and they have a lot of questions they want answered, so I am studying like crazy to try and keep up.
Japan is Craaazzyyyyy cool!!! The people here are really nice, and, since my companion and I are both Foreigners, everyone stares at us, or tries to say stuff in English and we respond in Japanese -- it's fun!
I'm going to try and write some letters today, but we still have to clean the Apartment, so you may get a half page letter depending on how much time we have after we clean, hahahah. I sowwy....but anywho! I love you guys, and I look forward to seeing how you've all grown when I come back!
Konnichiwaaaaaa :D I finished watching Conference Yesterday. For me it's Monday and it's only 3:10pm whereas for you it's 11pm on Sunday. weird right? I live in the futureeee hahaha.
I'm so glad to hear that you got to see everyone last week (note: last Sunday all our kids came to visit us, so Brandon is commenting on that)!! I hope Scott gets better fast.
Happpppy Almost Birthday Dad!! AHHHHHH I just realized I will be missing two of your birthdays >_> that's really saddening. Blah Oh well ^_^ Oh, and I'm so proud of Brittany on her weight loss and toning! glad to hear she is back to looking like she did in High School! Way to go Brittle! :D
I still can't believe I will have another Nephew, and I wont get to see him!! Arghhhh!!!! Hahahha.
As for proselyting, we are allowed to go door to door at specific places near our church building, and it's called Pivot, and we mark the places we go on a map so that we don't waste time going to houses that reject us, and have a map for those that were willing to listen to more. I only had time to send pictures from the mtc before the computer here kicked me off for having too much activity (Google was the one actually) I'm doing okay with money, it'll be a little tight this month because of the bike purchase, but I will manage. Next month will be better because I wont have the bike expense. Studying is going well, The Portuguese is easier to learn than the Japanese because it's more like English, so that's fine, and the Japanese is still tough, but it's better than it was last week. It's one thing to learn something, and a completely different thing to use it and hear it spoken. I still can't believe I will have another Nephew, and I wont get to see him!! Arghhhh!!!! Hahahha.
Japan is one of my favorite places still! The place I am kinda reminds me of New York though - it's weird that way.
We have a couple of people that we teach, but it's not everyday that we get to teach them. mostly we go out to eat with them, talk for a while and then have to leave. we get rejected often, but never by our investigators, like we haven't had any of our investigators reject us yet, but going door to door in the assigned area, we get Kekko'd often (Kekko means We're okay and don't want to talk to you, what they do is Cross their arms and say Kekko desu, and you have to leave them be).
This week we had a great week, we had two of our investigators come to General Conference (one of them is a family, the Mom, Jeana; the Dad, Cezar; and the 5 year old girl, Jennifer, and they all speak Spanish and Portuguese). The other investigator is a Japanese Girl named Yukina. We've been teaching them and talking to them all a lot recently, so we are hoping that they'll be able to commit to hearing more and more, and eventually getting baptized. They are awesome people, and they have a lot of questions they want answered, so I am studying like crazy to try and keep up.
One of the fun things we get to do every week is teach something called Eikaiwa, which means English Class. We only have three or four students who actually come, but they are fun to teach. We teach them English by reading the Book of Mormon with them and explaining what the words mean. That's always a fun class to teach.
I am doing well out here in Japan, Duarte Chourou ("Elder Duarte" my companion - Chourou means "Elder.") is awesome, he's super nice, and he's a reallly hard worker. In fact, he's super nice all the time. I can't wait to build this area up with him! Before He got me as a companion he had a real dud for a companion, and he was kinda depressed the first couple of days I was with him, and then when he found out that I was ready and able to get up and work, he got super genki (Happy) and now we've been having a blast together.One of the fun things we get to do every week is teach something called Eikaiwa, which means English Class. We only have three or four students who actually come, but they are fun to teach. We teach them English by reading the Book of Mormon with them and explaining what the words mean. That's always a fun class to teach.
Japan is Craaazzyyyyy cool!!! The people here are really nice, and, since my companion and I are both Foreigners, everyone stares at us, or tries to say stuff in English and we respond in Japanese -- it's fun!
I'm going to try and write some letters today, but we still have to clean the Apartment, so you may get a half page letter depending on how much time we have after we clean, hahahah. I sowwy....but anywho! I love you guys, and I look forward to seeing how you've all grown when I come back!
If you want to write letters:
Elder Hernandez Japan Nagoya Mission
Aichiken Nagoya-Shi
Meitoku Itakadai 1-304
.Your Freckled Elder -- Who is going to come home speaking fluent Portuguese and Japanese and Spanish,
Elder Hernandez
Hernandez Chourou
ヘル長老 <---- That's what my name will look like on my Name tag here :D
(My japanese Katakana name here is Heru Chourou)
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