Friday, August 12, 2011

August 12th, 2011

O____O = big round eyes

XD = extreme happy face

:D and D: = big smile

^_^ = raised eyebrows

>_> = surprise and/or "can you believe that???"

<3 = a sideways image of a heart = "I love you"

Hello everyone I love and miss :D I hope you are alllll doing fan-stinkin-tastic! lol XD it's been an interesting week for sure. Yesterday the 11th, we had service projects to do, and I got Toilets again (we've gone to service things 4 times in all and I got toilets 3 of 4 because no one else wants to do them XD ) and each time I've gone, there has been at least one toilets that is realllly bad XD well, Yesterday, on the 3rd floor of the building I was doing toilets in, there was a locked stall, and we got it opened, and inside it there was a mound of Toilet paper and nastyness in it... So I looked at my companion, and we were like O___O so we went downstairs to ask what we should do, because it was really bad XD and the guy was like... You are going to have to either find a way to flush it, or scoop it out >_> so I grabbed an extra pair of Rubber gloves and a huge trash bag and a toilet plunger, and went back up to the toilet, scooped some out (at this time there were like five other guys who were watching and laughing and gagging) and then, as soon as I got the first little bit out, the smell nearly knocked me off my feet XD so I ended up using the plunger to plunge it all down and then flushed it.............. Toilets are no longer my friends XD. It's weird too, everytime we go, and I have toilets, it's ALWAYS ME that gets that one toilet that's super clogged XD. Naze?!?!?!? XD anyways, now that everyone is grossed out, how are you all doing?? XD I got mom's letter by mail, with the new pictures and the cool flute sculpture that she did! That was epic!!! :D I also got letters from Mary (seperate), and a letter from troy included in Momma's packet, and I got dad's thing (They print the Emails out, and we get them at dinner time to read :D ) so if you don't want to have to keep doing letters and want them to reach me daily, use that site, it's awesome ^_^ since there are quite a few people who are going to get this email forwarded, I'll ask some general questions for all of you to answer :D :D :D
1. what was the best movie that came out recently in your opinion?
2. how are you??
3. do you know how much I miss you???
4. do you know how much I love hearing from you? cuz that's kinda impossible for me to answer ^_^
5. any new developments going on in your life?
6. If you work, how has it been treating you, and if it's being a meany, I'll beat it up frawr yoo!!! :D
7. if you have been injured, tell me what happened D: and if you'll be alright!
8. when I come home, what's the first thing you want to do with me?
9. Guess what?
10. I love you I win!!!!!!!! XD okay that's not a question, and it's also non-debatable :P
we've been teaching a lot more often, and we're learning more and more Japanese every day, it's amazing how much you can learn when you want to express your thoughts and feelings to someone you care for. I'm feeling more confident in my teaching ability, and I know I can't credit myself for that. This is one of the best experiences of my life so far, and I've been making friends who are like me here, I have pictures, and I'll be getting them printed out at the Bookstore soon, I have to figure out how it works first, but expect some peekchures soooon :D I love you all, Friends and family alike! I cannot wait to see you all again, and talk about how we've all grown and all that jazz! It's going to be super fantastic, and It's keeping me motivated to do my best so that I can return with Honour and no Regrets. you are always on my mind, and I feel your love with me constantly like a blanket. Thank you so much for all that you have done in my life, thank you for the examples you have all been to me, you've helped me to understand why serving others is so worthwhile, and I will forever be grateful <3
your little frekkled Elder/chourou
Brandon Anthony Hernandez

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